Get to Know Me
Joseph Barbakoff is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in treating anxiety and mood disorders in children and adolescents. He also works in ÎÞÂëרÇø’ DBT Therapy program as an individual DBT therapist and co-leads DBT Skills Training Group.
Why I Treat Children
I have always had a passion for working with children and teens, and if I didn’t become a therapist, I probably would have chosen to be a middle or high school English teacher. I love working with kids and their families. Every day is a new adventure and I never get bored!
What I'm Passionate About
I am passionate about reducing the stigma associated with mental health treatment and will talk to anyone who will listen about all the benefits of participating in therapy with a qualified provider. I believe that developing a healthy mind is equally important to developing a healthy body, and it is never too early to start building healthy habits!
How I Try to Make A Difference
I try to build upon each of my patients’ and their families’ strengths during sessions, encouraging the use of whatever healthy strategies and habits are currently working for them. I spend a lot of time forming positive relationships with the families I work with so I can better understand the family system. During sessions, I make sure my patients feel heard and supported. Each patient is unique, and treatment should reflect the specific needs of each patient.