Get to Know Me
In the fourth grade, my daughter decided she wanted to be a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon (I was surprised she could even pronounce it!). My mom, her grandmother, said almost the same thing happened with me. Today, I lead the pediatric neurosurgery division at ÎÞÂëרÇø/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, and I can report my instincts were right on target.
Why I Treat Children
In medical school, I realized that surgery was in line with my personality, because it provides a chance to intervene actively. As a pediatric neurosurgeon, I get to interact with a wide variety of kids and families, which I really enjoy.
What I'm Passionate About
I’m passionate about the power of collaboration and improving the way we approach our work with patients and families. Keeping the patient at the center, we take the best knowledge from all relevant specialties to provide the most complete care.
How I Try to Make A Difference
To me, neurosurgery is a job I’m trained – and proud and humbled – to do every day. To a child and family, it’s a life-altering intervention. I keep that simple fact in mind whenever I participate in a procedure. I’m always aware that we are having a dramatic impact on a child’s life and the lives of family members.