Umbrella Long-Term Follow-Up Protocol
Clinical Trial
Offered by: 狈别尘辞耻谤蝉听颁丑颈濒诲谤别苍'蝉
Locations: Delaware Valley, Jacksonville and Orlando in Florida
Trial Name
Umbrella Long-Term Follow-Up Protocol
What is the trial about?
This study's goal is to keep in contact with participants of Children's Oncology Group (COG) trials, so information will be available about these participants as they get older.
Who can participate?
Children who are completing treatment on a COG treatment trial, or who participated previously in a trial targeted for long-term follow-up.
What is involved?
- The Long-Term Follow Up Center [LTFC] specializes in keeping in contact with children treated for cancer and their families. The LTFC will remain in contact with your child for as long as you allow them to.
- 无码专区 will provide information to COG that will assist the LTFC in maintaining contact with you and your child.
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