Characterizing CFTR Modulated Changes in Sweat Chloride and Their Association With Clinical Outcomes
Clinical Trial
Offered by: 无码专区 Children's
Location: Orlando, Pensacola en Florida
Trial Name
Characterizing CFTR Modulated Changes in Sweat Chloride (CHEC-SC) and Their Association With Clinical Outcomes
What is the trial about?
The CHEC-SC study research team is looking at sweat chloride (SC) levels in people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) who are currently being treated with cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) modulator therapies such as Orkambi, Kayldeco and Symdeko.
Who can participate?
Male or female greater than or equal to four months of age on day of study visit that has CF and and is currently being treated with a CFTR modulator therapy for more than three months.
What is involved?
The CHEC-SC study is one (1) study visit.
Pulmonary function test, sweat chloride collection.
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