Treatment of Progressive Early-Onset Spinal Deformities
Clinical Trial
Offered by: 无码专区 Children's
Location: Delaware Valley
Trial Name
Treatment of Progressive Early-Onset Spinal Deformities
What is the trial about?
The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of operative and non-operative treatment to allow spinal growth in patients with early onset scoliosis.
Who can participate?
- Children under 18 and with any diagnosis, who undergo a growth-friendly surgical procedure, including but not limited to growing rods, VEPTR (Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib), Shilla, hybrid constructs, spinal tethering and staples.
- Children under 18 and with any diagnosis, who undergo casting.
- Children 10 and younger with any diagnosis, who undergo spinal fusion of the thoracic and/or lumbar spine.
- Children <6 with any diagnosis and with scoliosis curves of the thoracic and/or lumbar spine measuring >25 degrees.
What is involved?
The study includes several visits: preoperative, first erect visit and annually after surgery. The following procedures are routine during the visit with the physician:
- Clinical examination
- Pulmonary function test (possible)
- CT scan (possible)
- X-rays
- Questionnaires
- Clinical photos
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