
Asthma & Cystic Fibrosis Publications


Fitzpatrick AM, Jackson DJ, Mauger DT, Boehmer SJ, Phipatanakul W, Sheehan WJ, Moy JN, Paul IM, Bacharier LB, Cabana MD, Covar R, Holguin F, Lemanske RF Jr, Martinez FD, Pongracic JA, Beigelman A, Baxi SN, Benson M, Blake K, Chmiel JF, Daines CL, Daines MO, Gaffin JM, Gentile DA, Gower WA, Israel E, Kumar HV, Lang JE, Lazarus SC, Lima JJ, Ly N, Marbin J, Morgan W, Myers RE, Olin JT, Peters SP, Raissy HH, Robison RG, Ross K, Sorkness CA, Thyne SM, Szefler SJ; National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute AsthmaNet. Individualized therapy for persistent asthma in young children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016;138:1608-1618.

Flannery DD, O鈥橠onnell E, Kornhauser M, Dysart K, Greenspan J, Aghai ZH. Continuous positive airway pressure versus mechanical ventilation on the first day of life in very low-birth-weight infants. Am J Perinatol 2016;33:939-944.

Holbrook JT, Sugar EA, Brown RH, Drye LT, Irvin CG, Schwartz AR, Tepper RS, Wise RA, Yasin RZ, Busk MF; American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Centers. Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on airway reactivity in asthma: a randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2016;13:1940-1950.

Lang JE, Hossain J, Holbrook J, Teague WG, Gold BD, Wise RA, Lima JJ. Gastroesophageal reflux and worse asthma control in obese children: a case of symptom misattribution? Thorax 2016;71:238-246.

Mostovych N, Holmes L, Ruszkay N, LaHurd A, Heinle R, Nardone H. Effectiveness of powered intracapsular tonsillectomy in children with severe obstructive sleep apnea. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2016;142:150-156.

Sheehan WJ, Mauger DT, Paul IM, Moy JN, Boehmer SJ, Szefler SJ, Fitzpatrick AM, Jackson DJ, Bacharier LB, Cabana MD, Covar R, Holguin F, Lemanske RF Jr, Martinez FD, Pongracic JA, Beigelman A, Baxi SN, Benson M, Blake K, Chmiel JF, Daines CL, Daines MO, Gaffin JM, Gentile DA, Gower WA, Israel E, Kumar HV, Lang JE, Lazarus SC, Lima JJ, Ly N, Marbin J, Morgan WJ, Myers RE, Olin JT, Peters SP, Raissy HH, Robison RG, Ross K, Sorkness CA, Thyne SM, Wechsler ME, Phipatanakul W; NIH/NHLBI AsthmaNet. Acetaminophen versus ibuprofen in young children with mild persistent asthma. N Engl J Med 2016;375:619-630.

Taha D, Kirkby S, Nawab U, Dysart KC, Genen L, Greenspan JS, Aghai ZH. Early caffeine therapy for prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2014;27:1698-1702.


Akyol Y, Averill LW, Atanda A, Kecskemethy HH, Bober MB, Mackenzie WG. Magnetic resonance evaluation of the knee in children and adolescents with achondroplasia. Pediatr Radiol 2015;45:888-895.

American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers Writing Committee (Lima JJ). Efficacy of nasal mometasone for the treatment of chronic sinonasal disease in patients with inadequately controlled asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015;135:701-709.

American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers Writing Committee: Smith LJ, Kalhan R, Wise RH, Sugar E, Lima JJ, Dozor AJ, Holbrook J. Asthma control is not improved with a soy isoflavone supplement. JAMA 2015;313:2033-2043.听

Blake K, Holbrook JT, Antal H, Shade D, Bunnell HT, McCahan SM, Wise RA, Pennington C, Garfinkel P, Wysocki T. Use of mobile devices and the internet for multimedia informed consent delivery and data entry in a pediatric asthma trial: study design and rationale. Contemp Clin Trials 2015;42:105-118.听

Blake K, Lima J. Pharmacogenomics of long-acting beta2-agonists. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2015;8:1-19.

Checkley W, Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Hansel NN, Romero KM, Pollard SL, Wise RA, Gilman RH, Mougey E, Lima JJ; PURA Study Investigators. 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels are associated with childhood asthma in a population-based study in Peru. Clin Exp Allergy 2015;45:273-282.

Dahlin A, Litonjua A, Irvin CG, Peters SP, Lima JJ, Kubo M, Tamari M, Tantisira KG. Genome-wide association study of leukotriene modifier response in asthma. Pharmacogenomics J 2015 Jun 2 [Epub ahead of print].

Dahlin A, Litonjua A, Lima JJ, Tamari M, Kubo M, Irvin CG, Peters SP, Tantisira KG.听 Genome-wide association study identifies novel pharmacogenomic loci for therapeutic response to montelukast in asthma. PLoS One 2015;10:e0129385.听

Dai Z, Peng Y, Mansy HA, Sandler RH, Royston TJ. A model of lung parenchyma stress relaxation using fractional viscoelasticity. Med Eng Phys 2015;37:752-758.

Hossain MJ, Xie L, Lang JE, Wysocki TT, Shaffer TH, Bunnell HT. Piecewise mixed effects model to compare the weight-gain patterns before and after diagnosis of asthma in children younger than five years. J Biometric Biostat 2015;6:248-249.

Lang JE. Behavioral weight loss intervention in obese individuals with asthma: a lot goes a long way. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2015;12:105-106.听

Lang JE. Stress, ADCYAP1R1, and childhood asthma: no sigh of relief. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2015;192:3-5.听

Lang JE, Holbrook JT, Lima JJ; American Lung Association-Asthma Clinical Research Centers. Reply: worsening asthma control in children taking lansoprazole: possible mechanisms. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2015;12:1110-1111.

Lang JE, Holbrook JT, Mougey EB, Wei CY, Wise RA, Teague WG, Lima JJ. Lansoprazole is associated with worsening asthma control in children with the CYP2C19 poor metabolizer phenotype. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2015 Apr 6 [Epub ahead of print].

Lang JE, Hossain J, Lima JJ. Overweight children report qualitatively distinct asthma symptoms: analysis of validated symptom measures. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015;135:886-893.听

Ricketti RA, Unkle DW, King KA, Cleri DJ, Ricketti AJ. A 15-year-old child with asthma and lower lobe bronchiectasis. Allergy Asthma Proceed 2015;36:82-86.

Shah CC. Cystic fibrosis. In: James CA, Braswell LE, Glasier CM, Greenberg SB, Seibert JJ, eds. Pediatric Radiology Casebase, 2nd edn. Thieme Medical Publishers: New York. 2015;89-92.听

Tiddens HA, De Boeck K, Clancy JP, Fayon M, Bresnik M, Derchak A, Lewis SA, Oermann CM; ALPINE study investigators (Livingston F). Open-label study of inhaled aztreonam for Pseudomonas eradication in children with cystic fibrosis: The ALPINE study. J Cyst Fibros 2015;14:1111-1119.

Yousef S, Solomon GM, Brody A, Rowe SM, Colin AA. Improved clinical and radiographic outcomes after treatment with ivacaftor in a young adult with cystic fibrosis with the P67L CFTR mutation. Chest 2015;147:e79-e82.


Antal H, Hossain MJ, Hassink S, Henry S, Fuzzell L, Taylor A, Wysocki T. Audio-video recording of health care encounters for pediatric chronic conditions: observational reactivity and its correlates. J Pediatr Psychol 2014 Jun 28 [Epub ahead of print]

Blake K, Raissy H. Inhaled mannitol for children with cystic fibrosis: why it missed the mark for FDA approval. Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol 2014;27:36-8.

Blake K, Raissy H. Nonprescription epinephrine metered-dose inhaler: to be or not to be. Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol 2014;27:143-6.

Blake K. American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers Writing Committee. Efficacy of nasal mometasone for the treatment of chronic sinonasal disease in patients with inadequately controlled asthma J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014;6749:957-9.

Checkley W, Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Hansel NN, Romero K, Pollard SL, Wise RA, Gilman RH, Mougey E, Lima JJ; PURA study investigators. 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels are associated with childhood asthma in a population-based study in Peru. Clin Exp Allergy 2014 Mar 25 [Epub ahead of print]

Duan QL, Lasky-Su J, Himes BE, Qiu W, Litonjua AA, Damask A, Lazarus R, Klanderman B, Irvin CG, Peters SP, Hanrahan JP, Lima JJ, Martinez FD, Mauger D, Chinchilli VM, Soto-Quiros M, Avila L, Celed贸n JC, Lange C, Weiss ST, Tantisira KG. A genome-wide association study of bronchodilator response in asthmatics. Pharmacogenomics J 2014;14:41-7.

Jabar A, Raissy H, Blake K. New and evolving therapies for cystic fibrosis patients. Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol 2014;27:92-4.

Kapadia SG, Wei C, Bartlett SJ, Lang J, Wise RA, Dixon AE; American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers. Obesity and symptoms of depression contribute independently to the poor asthma control of obesity. Respir Med 2014;108:1100-7.

Lang JE, Hossain MJ, Lima JJ. Overweight children report qualitatively distinct asthma symptoms: analysis of validated symptom measures. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014 Oct 14 [Epub ahead of print]

Lima JJ. American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers Writing Committee. Efficacy of nasal mometasone for the treatment of chronic sinonasal disease in patients with inadequately controlled asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014 Aug 28 [Epub ahead of print]

Lima JJ. Do genetic polymorphisms alter patient response to inhaled bronchodilators? Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2014;10:1231-40.

Mayer-Hamblett N, Rosenfeld M, Treggiari MM, Konstan MW, Retsch-Bogart G, Morgan W, Wagener J, Gibson RL, Khan U, Emerson J, Thompson V, Elkin EP, Ramsey BW; EPIC; ESCF Investigators (Livingston F). Standard care versus protocol-based therapy for new-onset Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2013;48:943-53.

Park HW, Dahlin A, Tse S, Duan QL, Schuemann B, Martinez FD, Lima JJ, Peters SP, Szefker SJ, Kubo M, Tamari M, Tanntisira KG. Genetic predictors associated with improvement of asthma symptoms in response to inhaled corticosteroids. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014;133:664-9.

Tomatsu S, Yasuda E, Patel P, Ruhnke K, Shimada T, Mackenzie WG. Morquio A syndrome: diagnosis and current and future therapies. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2014;12:141-51.