
“POP” Goes the Bubble Wrap

18 to 23 Months | Phonological Awareness

Prep: 10 Minutes | Activity Time: 5–10 Minutes

Next time you get a shipment delivered to your home, keep the bubble wrap. Let your toddler excite in the popping explosion.  

  • Bubble wrap 
  • Painter’s tape (this type of tape will not damage your floors)

Step 1: Cut the bubble wrap into strips about 1-foot wide. 

Step 2: Tape the bubble wrap onto the floor to create bubble roads. 

Step 3: Show your child how you can pop the bubbles. Warn her that it is going to make a loud pop! Let her become comfortable with the popping noise before moving on with the activity.  

Step 4: Let your toddler have fun running and popping the bubble wrap. She might also enjoy driving small vehicles along the road and listening to the pops.   

Step 5: You might create a simple rhyme to say as your child is having fun popping.  For example:  

“1 pop, 2 pops, 3 pops, 4. 

Take another step and pop some more!” 

“Let's take a step at the top. 

Ready, set, go. POP, POP, POP!“