Wheelchair Seating and Mobility Clinic   
Seating and Mobility Equipment for Kids on the Move
The ÎÞÂëרÇø Children’s wheelchair clinic team gives kids with trouble moving the ability to explore and learn. Our goal is to provide the seating and mobility system that is best for your child.
Our team includes rehabilitation doctors, engineers and therapists who work closely with your child’s medical team. Together we offer personalized, expert evaluations. Your wheelchair vendor is also on-site with us.
We have the latest technologies to give your child comfort and support. We may use pressure mapping with sensors to create the perfect fit. We also assess kids for power wheelchairs, voice- or joystick-operated equipment, and much more.
We teach your child how to use the equipment in different settings so they have the best quality of life at home, school and with friends. We also make recommendations for other devices to help your child learn and communicate better.
Conditions & Treatments
We help children, ages age 6 months to 18 years, with conditions that cause:
- Limited ability to crawl
- Inability to stand or walk for long periods
- Trouble moving without assistance
- Balance problems
- Trouble sitting up or maintaining posture
Related Specialties
Kids have a lot of options for getting around. Learn more from this slideshow created by the ÎÞÂëרÇø experts at KidsHealth.org.
Children thrive when we’re all working together. Give this factsheet to your child’s teacher so they can help at school.
If your child needs a wheelchair, they may have questions. Our experts explain what it’s like in kid-friendly terms.
Pediatric Expertise in Mobility Solutions
We have vast experience working with kids of all abilities. In fact, we’re part of renowned ÎÞÂëרÇø pediatric programs in neuromuscular disorders, brain and spine injuries, cerebral palsy, spina bifida and more.
6 months
We work as a team. Together, we help find the right equipment and then customize it to your child’s needs.
We offer specialized evaluations for complex medical needs. We help children with a range of conditions use the toilet, take a bath, or ride in a car or stroller.
Our team assists wherever possible. We coordinate with your wheelchair manufacturer and insurance company. You can focus on your child’s care.
Your input is valued. We work closely with families and encourage input from other caregivers your child has. We do everything we can to help your child live life to the fullest.